Sunday, January 17, 2010

Glad I have a kid friendly church!

Today I am very glad I go to a kid friendly church!

A little background is probably in order. In Florida if you are Catholic you bring your kids to Mass. There is no nice day care/Sunday school for them to go to during the service. There is a kid's church for older kids (6-10 or so) but nothing for younger kids. Religious education is on Tuesdays for us and on Sunday the whole family goes to Mass. Kids are expected to either sit through the service (which an amazing number do) or there is a special sound proofed area where you can sit with them and watch the Mass (which is where my clan hangs out).

I am Catholic and so are my four kids, but my wife is not. She refuses to have anything to do with a Catholic church so on Sunday's I show up to church with some number of kids in tow and just me. A and RP are always with me but C1 and C2 are somewhat more spotty. C1 I tend to be easier on since he goes to a Catholic school and has Mass once a week at school. C2 I harass a bit but he can come up with an amazing number of reasons he should not have to go!

So back to my story. This week it was just me and A and RP (ages 3 and 4). I start walking into the church and A and RP start running. Into the church, PAST Father Pedro, the Deacon and three alter boys lined up to start the procession, through the back of the church loudly laughing, and into section where we normally sit. With me frantically running behind them the whole time.

Not really my normal entry into church. Luckily this is Miami. I am surrounded by Hispanic women who consider males somewhat helpless in dealing with children. I think I get points just for being there with the kids. So instead of stern glares I got amused looks. Poor Papacito they are thinking!

In the future I am walking IN FRONT OF the kids as we enter church!


Annie said...

Now, I work at our imagine my horror when the second week of taking our newly adopted twelve year old boy to Mass with us, my older son Sergei told me, as we were getting into the car - "Mom, do you know that Ilya was turning around and giving people the finger all during Mass?"

So, we now go to a church where we can sit with only the wall behind us, and where I do not know a soul.

Ian said...

Hah. Well I know I am not alone! Thanks for visiting!