I am not sure if every family is like this but in mine some of my kids are more like my wife and some are more like me (though all of them are mostly like themselves as I always say). C1 is a lot like the Wife which is why they tend to scrap a lot. C2 is my 11 year old and he is my younger double. I watch him growing up and it is startling how close his personality is to mine. I love all my children (I always say that the sun shines just as brightly for having five windows open as it does when there is only one). What is interesting is that I like to hang out with C1 because he reminds me of my wife and with C2 because he reminds me of me.
C2 tends to have a small number of friends but the friends he has are deep friends. He is easy going and can basically get along with anyone. He generally likes it when things are peaceful. He is also really, really smart. He can pull straight A's without even trying. I can spend hours sitting next to him not even talking and we are both happy.
I think in the long run C2 will benefit the most from the recent end to my traveling days. Now that I have a real job he and I can spend more time together.
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